History of the Societas Uralo-Altaica
The “Societas Uralo-Altaica” e. V. (SUA), which can look back on more than seventy years of history in 2025, is today the most significant scientific society for Uralic and Altaic research in the world alongside the “Société Finno-Ougrienne” in Helsinki. However, the SUA, which has a long tradition and is based in Göttingen, also holds a special position in the Göttingen research landscape.
In their call for the founding of an Ural-Altaic society, Julius von Farkas and Omeljan Pritsak had already stated that their aim was “to give all colleagues from the Ural-Altaic and comparative linguistic fields the opportunity for an extended exchange of ideas and experience, and at the same time to offer them the opportunity to publish their work”. The journal “Ural-Altaische Jahrbücher” (UAJb) - as a continuation of the “Ungarische Jahrbücher” (UJb) - was founded as a publication organ and continues to this day...
In the document below you will find out more about the founding history of the SUA, the development of its membership and board members, its publications, conferences, symposia and events, and how the SUA has developed over the decades.
English PDF currently under preparation, German version avaliable here.